
class sealion.mixtures.GaussianMixture(n_clusters=5, retries=3, max_iters=200, kmeans_init=True)

Gaussian Mixture Models are really just a fancier extension of KMeans. Make sure you know KMeans before you read this. If you are unfamiliar with KMeans, feel free to look at the examples on GitHub for unsupervised clustering or look at the unsupervised clustering documentation (which contains the KMeans docs.) You may also want to know what a gaussian (normal) distribution is.

In KMeans, you make the assumption that your data is in spherical clusters, all of which are the same shape. What if your data is instead in such circles, but also maybe ovals that are thin, tall, etc. Basically what if your clusters are spherical-esque but of different shapes and sizes.

This difference can be measured by the standard deviation, or variance, of each of the clusters. You can think of each cluster as a gaussian distribution, each with a different mean (similiar to the centroids in KMeans) and standard deviation (which effects how skinny/wide it is.) This model is called a mixture, because it essentially is just a mixture of gaussian functions. Some of the clusters maybe bigger than others (aside from shape), and this is also taken into account with a mixture weight - a coefficient that is multiplied to each gaussian distribution.

With this gaussian distribution, you can then take any points and assign them to the cluster they have the highest change of being in. Because this is probabilities, you can say that a given data point has a 70% chance of being in this class, 20% this class, 5% this class, and 5% this other class - which is something you cannot do with KMeans. The parameters of the gaussian distribution are learnt using an algorithm known as Expectation Maximization, which you may want to learn about (super cool)!

You can also do anomaly detection with Gaussian Mixture Models! You do this by looking at the probability each data point belonged to the cluster it had the highest chance of being in. We can call this list of a probability that a data point belonged to the cluster it was chosen to for all data points “confidences”. If a given data points confidence is in the lowest _blank_ (you set this) percent of confidences, it’s marked as an anomaly. This _blank_ is from 1 to 100, and is essentially what percent of your data you think are outliers.

To find the best value for n_clusters, we also have a visualize_elbow_curve method to do that for you. Check the docs below if you’re interested!

That’s a lot, so let’s take a look at its methods!


__init__(n_clusters=5, retries=3, max_iters=200, kmeans_init=True)
  • n_clusters – number of clusters assumed in the data

  • retries – number of times the algorithm will be tried, and then the best solution picked


maximum number of iterations that the algorithm will be ran for each retry


whether the centroids found by using KMeans should be used to initialize the means in this Gaussian Mixture. This will only work if your data is in more than one dimension. If you are using a lot of retries, this may not be a good option as it may lead to the same solution over and over again.


Returns the AIC metric (lower is better.)

anomaly_detect(X, threshold)
  • X – prediction data

  • threshold – what percent of the data you believe is an outlier


whether each data point in X is an anomaly based on whether its confidence in the cluster it was assigned to is in the lowest threshold percent of all of the confidences.


Returns the BIC metric (lower is better.)


This method essentially gives the highest probability in the rows of probabilities in the matrix that is the output of the soft_predict() method.


It’s telling you the probability each data point had in the cluster it had the largest probability in (and ultimately got assigned to), which is really telling you how confident it is that a given data point belongs to the data.


X – prediction data


this method finds the parameters needed for Gaussian Mixtures to function

:param X : training data


this method returns the cluster each data point in X belongs to

:param X : prediction data


this method returns the probability each data point belonged to each cluster. This is stored in a matrix with the length of X rows and the width of the amount of clusters.

:param X : prediction data


This method will not work for data that has only 1 dimension (univariate.) It will plot the data you just gave in the fit() method.


color_dict – parameter of the label a cluster was assigned to to its color (must be matplotlib compatible) The color dict could be {0 : "green", 1 : "blue", 2 : "red"} for example.

visualize_elbow_curve(min_n_clusters=2, max_n_clusters=5)

This method tries different values for n_cluster, from min_n_cluster to max_n_cluster, and then plots their AIC and BIC metrics. Finding the n_cluster that leads to the “elbow” is probably the optimal n_cluster value.

  • min_n_clusters – the minimum value of n_clusters to be tried

  • max_n_clusters – the max value of n_clusters to be tried